Reverse Osmosis Plant(RO)

RO Scheme consists of NaOCl dosing, Dual Media Filter, Activated Carbon Filter, Ultra Filtration as pre-treatment prior to Reverse Osmosis Plant. The Ultra filtration has been proposed to reduce fouling load on RO.  The UF System is considered with Automatic operation based on Logic controller. The UF plant will be put ON and OFF based on feedback from level switch in UF treated water tank.  

In RO system Cartridge filter, Antiscalant dosing system is provided to optimize the system. RO block is semi-automatic, while in pre-treatment the operation. RO block shall operate on/off based on level in RO Product Water Storage Tank. The RO has been proposed to achieve product water quality as required. Adequate instrumentation is provided in the system.

RO Plant

Pre Treatment

NaOCl/Coagulant Dosing: The Sodium Hypochlorite/Coagulant dosing upstream of Dual Media filter is proposed to reduce organic load or TSS if as required.

Carbon Cartridge Filter: Carbon Cartridge Filter unit is provided to remove organic load and also remove colour, odour from the water and water is de-chlorinated.

Cartridge Filter : The 10 micron cartridge filter is provided as guard filter prior to UF.

Ultra Filtration Unit (UF): Ultra filtration Membrane is used to remove Total Suspended Solids and reduce the Silt in water. UF is a hollow-fiber based membrane filtration product. This filtration process covers the ultra-filtration range of 0.1 to 0.01 micron. It is designed to remove suspended particulates, colloidal material, bacteria and high molecular weight material.

This membrane will consistently produce high quality water effectively to meet your respective needs.

Reverse Osmosis (RO): The RO Pressure Pump will Pump the Water at the rate of 1.0 m3/hr which is then Passed through the Cartridge filter. The pressurised water from the cartridge filter is then boosted by RO high pressure pump to the RO system which will produce the product water of 0.5m3/hr. The RO plant is designed at optimum recovery of 50%. The desalination process is optimised dosing Antiscalant dosing at upstream of RO feed. The water is stored in product water storage tank.

Antiscalant Dosing: The Antiscalant dosing upstream of the RO feed pump is done to reduce the scaling tendency of the feed. This is a major key to inhibit CaCO3, Sulphate, and Iron fouling on the membranes. The dosing pump is provided with manual stroke adjustments.

SBS Dosing: The SBS dosing upstream of the RO feed pump is done to reduce the Oxidation Potential of the feed. This is a major key to prevent any oxidising of RO membrane.

Cartridge Filter : The 5 micron cartridge filter will remove fine solids sizing > 5 micron prior to RO Unit.

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