Dust Extraction System

Dust Extraction System

An effective dust collection system offered to enhance the quality of air released from industrial and commercial processes by collecting dust and other impurities from air or gas. Designed to handle high-volume dust loads, a dust collector system consists of a blower, dust filter, a filter-cleaning system, and a dust receptacle or dust removal system. It is distinguished from air cleaners, which use disposable filters to remove dust.

Dust collection systems work on the basic formula of captureconvey and collect.

First, the dust must be captured or extracted. This is accomplished with devices such as capture hoods to catch dust at its source of origin.

Second, the dust must be conveyed. This is done via a ducting system, properly sized and manifolded to maintain a consistent minimum air velocity required to keep the dust in suspension for conveyance to the collection device.

Finally, the dust is collected. This is done via a variety of means, depending on the application and the dust being handled.

Dust Extraction System

1. Capture: We CARAMET Design the Hoods as per ACGIH Standard. Our Ergonomically designed hoods extract the dust emitting to the work environment through the different types of manufacturing process. We extract the dust away from the operator breathing zone without hindrance the man and material movement in the manufacturing process.  We design the best suitable type of hood to suit the process, to achieve economized efficient extraction. The suitable capture velocity will be maintained to achieve an effective Dust Extraction System.

We consider three major factors while designing the effective Capture Hoods.

  • 1.1 Contaminant Characteristics
  • 1.2 Hood Type
  • 1.3 Capture Velocity.

1.1 Contaminant Characteristic:

  • 1.1.1 Inertial Effects: Gases, vapors, and fumes will not exhibit significant inertial effects. Also, fine dust particles, 20 microns or less in diameter (which includes respirable particles), will not exhibit significant inertial effects. These materials will move solely with respect to the air in which they are mixed. In such cases, the hood needs to generate an air flow pattern and capture velocity sufficient to control the motion of the contaminant-laden air plus extraneous air currents caused by room cross-drafts, vehicular traffic, etc.
  • 1.1.2 Effective Specific Gravity: Frequently, the location of exhaust hoods is mistakenly based on a supposition that the contaminant is “heavier than air” or “lighter than air.” in most health hazard applications, this criterion is of little value (see Figure 3-2). Hazardous fine dust particles, fumes, vapors, and gases are truly airborne, following air currents, and are not subject to appreciable motion either upward or downward because of their own density. Normal air movement will assure an even mixture of these contaminants. Exception to these observations may occur with very hot or very cold operations or where a contaminant is generated at very high levels and control is achieved before the contaminant becomes diluted.
  • 1.1.3 Wake Effects: As air flows around an object, a phenomenon known as “boundary layer separation” occurs. This results in the formation of a turbulent wake on the downstream side of the object similar to what is observed as a ship moves through the water. The wake is a region of vigorous mixing and re-circulation. If the object in question is a person who is working with, or close to, a contaminant-generating source, re-circulation of the contaminant into the breathing zone is likely. An important consideration in the design of ventilation for contaminant control is minimizing this wake around the human body and, to the extent possible, keeping contaminant sources out of these recirculating regions

1.2 Hoods Type: Hoods may be of a wide range of physical configurations but can be grouped into two general categories: enclosing and exterior. The type of hood to be used will be dependent on the physical characteristics of the process equipment, the contaminant generation mechanism, and the operator/equipment interface

1.2.1 Enclosing Hood: Enclosing hoods are those which completely or partially enclose the process or contaminant generation point. A complete enclosure would be a laboratory glove box or similar type of enclosure where only minimal openings exist. A partial enclosure would be a laboratory hood or paint spray booth. An inward flow of air through the enclosure opening will contain the contaminant within the enclosure and prevent its escape into the work environment. The enclosing hood is preferred wherever the process configuration and operation will permit. If complete enclosure is not feasible, partial enclosure should be used to the maximum extent possible

1.2.2 Exterior Hood: Exterior hoods are those which are located adjacent to an emission source without enclosing it. Examples of exterior hoods are slots along the edge of the tank or a rectangular opening on a welding table. Where the contaminant is a gas, vapor, or fine particulate and is not emitted with any significant velocity, the hood orientation is not critical. However, if the contaminant contains large particulates which are emitted with a significant velocity, the hood should be located in the path of the emission.

1.3 Capture Velocity: The minimum hood-induced air velocity necessary to capture and convey the contaminant into the hood is referred to as capture velocity. This velocity will be a result of the hood air flow rate and hood configuration. Exceptionally high air flow hoods (example, large foundry side-draft shakeout hoods) may require less air flow than would be indicated by the capture velocity values recommended for small hoods. This phenomenon may be ascribed to: The presence of a large air mass moving into the hood The fact that the contaminant is under the influence of the hood for a much longer time than is the case with small hoods.

2. Conveying: Dust Extraction systems are intended to carry dust, a minimum conveying velocity is necessary to ensure that the dust will not settle in the duct. Also, when a system is installed in a quiet area, it may be necessary to keep velocities below some maximum to avoid excessive duct noise. A duct of the wrong size can lead to material settling in the duct system and clogging it. We design and manufacture ducting as per ACGIH and IS 655 standard. We have facilities to manufacture ducting in different type Material of Construction such as Mild Steel, Stainless Steel (SS 304, SS 304L, SS 316, SS 316L, SS 316 Ti, SS 310 .. etc), Polypropylene(PP), PP+FRP, PVC+FRP, CPVC+FRP to suite to operation requirement.

3. Collect: This is done via a variety of means, depending on the application and the dust being handled. It can be as simple as a basic pass-through filter, a cyclonic separator, or an impingement baffle. It can also be as complex as an electrostatic precipitator, a multistage Bag-filter/Dust Collector, or a chemically treated wet scrubber or stripping tower.

Cyclone Separator

 A cyclone separator is an apparatus for the separation, by centrifugal means, of fine particles suspended in air or gas. A high speed rotating (air) flow is established within a cylindrical or conical container called a cyclone. Air flows in a helical pattern, beginning at the top (wide end) of the cyclone and ending at the bottom (narrow) end before exiting the cyclone in a straight stream through the center of the cyclone and out the top. Larger (denser) particles in the rotating stream have too much inertia to follow the tight curve of the stream, and strike the outside wall, then falling to the bottom of the cyclone where they can be removed.  In a conical system, as the rotating flow moves towards the narrow end of the cyclone, the rotational radius of the stream is reduced, thus separating smaller and smaller particles. The cyclone geometry, together with flow rate, defines the cut point of the cyclone. This is the size of particle that will be removed from the stream with 50% efficiency. Particles larger than the cut point will be removed with a greater efficiency and smaller particles with a lower efficiency

Bag-Filter/Dust Collector

Commonly known as bag houses, fabric collectors use filtration to separate dust particulates from dusty gases. They are one of the most efficient and cost effective types of dust collectors available and can achieve a collection efficiency of more than 99% for very fine particulates. Dust-laden gases enter the bag house and pass through fabric bags that act as filters. The bags can be of woven or felted cotton, synthetic, or glass-fiber material in either a tube or envelope shape. Bag houses are characterized by their cleaning method.

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