Sewage Treatment Plant

Sewage Treatment Plant

The Sewage Treatment plant shall treat raw sewage/domestic waste-water.  The raw sewage is piped to pre-determined tank called equalisation tank.  Client shall make Raw Sewage available at equalization tank. The Equalization tank shall be provided with screening system at the inlet for further screening of the larger particles. Relatively clear sewage shall then be pumped to Bio Zone Tank (FBBR). After the aeration/ biological process, the treated sewage shall flow to the Tube Settler Unit (Settling Tank). The clear water from Tube Settler outlet shall be collected in Chlorine Contact Tank/Filter Feed Tank with chlorination being done with dosing pumps. The chlorinated water after adequate contact time shall be pumped through filter to remove suspended solids and stored in storage tank (By others) for reuse and disposal. Sludge from the setting tank shall be collected in the sludge holding tank.

The treatment scheme in short is as follows

  • Screening and transfer of wastewater to Bio-reactors.
  • Biological treatment of wastewater using Bio Media.
  • Disinfection of treated water using sodium hypochlorite.
  • Filtration of Chlorinated treated water through Pressure Sand Filter.
  • Sludge from Tube Settler will be transferred to Sludge Holding tank.

Biozone Tank: The biological treatment of BOD and complete nitrification of ammoniacal nitrogen shall takes place in this tank. This process consists of growth of different bacteria/ micro-organism on the fixed media. Microbiological growth occurs by utilizing organic compounds and ammoniacal nitrogen. The micro-organism absorbs and oxidizes organic contaminants via biological oxidation. The process utilise the nutrients in waste water (i.e. nitrogen and phosphorus) in addition to organic contaminants for healthy cell synthesis to occur.  The denitrification shall also occur in this tank.

Tube Settler/Settling Tank:Tube Settler shall remove the suspended solids from liquor with Suspended Solids overflown from biozone tank. The solids shall be and the supernatant shall overflow into chlorine contact tank. The sludge shall settle at the hopper bottom of tank of clarifier. The settling tank is provided with parallel plates to enhance the settling in lesser space.

NaOCl dosing System: The NaOCl dosing is done in chlorine contact tank to reduce/kill the bacteria and micro-organism.

Pressure Sand Filter(PSF): The PSF unit is provided to remove suspended solids. The water is entered from the top and exit through the grades of media. During the course of filtration, bed is compacted raising the differential pressure across the unit.  To clean the media, backwash of the filter is done at regular interval. Auto valve shall be used for operation.


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