Case Study: Advanced HCL Scrubbing System to de-cloud in Chemical Manufacturing

Scrubber Top view


Client Overview:

SCIL, a leading chemical manufacturer, faced significant challenges with Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) fumes during their Aluminum chloride-pigment batch drowning process. This process generated substantial fumes that spread into the surrounding environment, posing environmental compliance issues and community concerns. The existing scrubbing system was ineffective in extracting and scrubbing HCL fumes, leading to visible emissions and a noticeable clouding effect at the outlet chimney. SCIL urgently required a robust solution to control HCL fumes and eliminate the clouding effect at the chimney outlet.


  1. Environmental Impact: The Aluminum chloride-pigment batch drowning process produced large volumes of HCL fumes, impacting the surrounding environment and neighboring communities.
  2. Inefficient Pollution Control: The existing scrubbing system failed to effectively capture and treat HCL fumes, resulting in visible emissions and non-compliance with environmental regulations.
  3. Visible Clouding Effect: The presence of a visible clouding effect at the chimney outlet raised concerns about environmental aesthetics and regulatory compliance.


SCIL partnered with Caramet Technologies Pvt Ltd to design, manufacture, install, and commission an advanced negative pressure series of Packed Bed Scrubbing System tailored specifically for their Aluminum chloride-pigment batch drowning process.

Implementation Process:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: Caramet Technologies conducted a thorough assessment of SCIL’ operations, focusing on the Aluminum chloride-pigment batch drowning process, emission points, and environmental compliance requirements.
  2. System Design and Engineering: Based on the assessment, Caramet Technologies engineered a customized solution featuring:
    • Advanced Packed Bed Scrubbing Technology: Negative pressure design to enhance pollutant capture efficiency and minimize emissions.
    • Suitable Material Selection: Corrosion-resistant materials such as FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic) and CPVC and specialized alloys for scrubber construction and internal components to withstand corrosive HCL fumes.
    • Optimized Pump and Blower Specifications: High-efficiency pumps and blowers designed to handle the specific flow rates and pressures required for effective scrubbing and extraction.
  3. Installation and Commissioning: Caramet Technologies managed the installation of the Packed Bed Scrubbing System with strict adherence to safety protocols and operational requirements. The system underwent rigorous testing and optimization to ensure compliance with environmental standards and operational effectiveness.


  1. Effective Emission Control: The advanced Packed Bed Scrubbing System successfully captured and treated Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) fumes, significantly reducing emissions and achieving compliance with stringent environmental regulations.
  • Initial HCL Load: 1560 kilograms per hour (kg/hr).
  • Achieved Outlet Emissions for Chlorine: Below 50 milligrams per normal cubic meter (mg/Nm³).
  1. Elimination of Clouding Effect: The optimized scrubbing system effectively eliminated the visible clouding effect at the chimney outlet, improving environmental aesthetics and community relations.
  2. Operational Efficiency: Corrosion-resistant materials and robust design enhanced system durability, minimizing maintenance costs and operational downtime for SCIL.
HCL Scrubbing System (Air Side) 3D View

Conclusion: By collaborating with Caramet Technologies and implementing the advanced Packed Bed Scrubbing System, SCIL successfully addressed emission control challenges associated with Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) fumes in their Aluminum chloride-pigment batch drowning process. The solution not only enhanced environmental compliance but also improved operational efficiency and sustainability, underscoring Caramet Technologies’ expertise in delivering tailored environmental solutions for complex industrial applications.

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